Hello patrons of the world wide web! We hope that you have been well during this time of pandemic isolation. Our new crop of Qu’est-ce qui se passe writers have set up shop and are ready to blog up a storm for the remainder of the 2019-20 school year! They are a creative, enthusiastic and numerous bunch, so do yourself a favour and emerge yourself in blogging bliss by visiting each of their pages, which can be accessed on the sidebar right over there —>. We will be updating our blogs about twice per week with all kinds of different writing projects en français et anglais. Yes, it’s true! We will be posting in both of Canada’s official languages! Frequent visits and positive comments are encouraged. For information about how to create quality comments, visit the tab up at the top there ^. We look forward to meeting your reading needs in the weeks to come. Thanks for dropping by!
Qu’est-ce qui se passe? Blogmaster